My Blog

Having Support: choosing a care provider
The last discussion around ‘advice for birth’ leads nicely to exploring the idea of choice around care providers. In the last blog post, it was about putting you at the centre, and so then perhaps the next layer is about who supports you. For those supporting you...

Advice for Birth: it starts with you
I was speaking with a pregnant woman the other day, and she was asking me my thoughts on birth and what is one key thing to help. I considered the question, as there are numerous things you can ‘do, or not do’ to assist and support that magnificent moment when new...

Air: breathe
We do it all day and night long, from the moment we are born, and yet do we place much time or dedication into the art of breathing? We have the opportunity to consider food and water choices, but we rarely think about our air, the main necessity of life. There are so...